Perfekt til bruk i surfski eller K1 racer. Bygger nesten ingen ting, slik at hæl/sits-forholdet ikke forandres fordi du bruker sko i din kajakk.
Tynneste neoprenesko med såle på markedet, slik at du kan gå litt på dem uten å slite hull i dem.
"New super light model of neoprene shoe. Monolithic sole protects the sole, toes and heel from the back and from the outside. The sole is soft, pliable, and yet abrasion resistant. Rubber print protects the instep from abrasion. The entrance to the shoe is equipped with Donut system - circular strap from one-sided neoprene that wraps around the ankle and thanks to smooth rubber on the inside sticks to your foot. Contact is suitable mainly for racers who want to "keep in touch" with their kayak. "